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Judge David Cowan

Country United States
State California
City Los Angeles
Address 800 W 6th St

Judge David Cowan Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Dec 18, 2018

You read about inheritance hyjacking all the time, but it actuallyhappend to me. We went to court in 2015 for the Judge to read the documents, and I guess he was too lazy to do only that. Instead he listened to hersay (a technique called throwing the dead cat on the table). What I experience was a barrage of 3 attorney's attacking my intergrity, including a Financial Advisor who knew my father less than a year making an upfront commission by selling him an Annuity at the age of 80. (THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A RED FLAG as he should have lost his license for that flaw that was never presented). I appealed the case, and the Appeals court never looked at the documents, either, nor would they publish their case. They were only trying to uphold the kneejerk reaction from Judge Cowan. I pushed it to the supreme court, as I was never disinherited. My UNCLE/ATTORNEY stole my inheritance by bullying, forgery, and fraud. If you look up the deceased name, the first line relatives are his sleezy brother, the brother's ex wife, his three daughters and my brothers wife (not even my brother!) And now they think I should pay for their 3 wicked attorney (OVER MY DEAD BODY). They have 5 million dollars and His grandchildren and great gandchildren (the true heirs) never got a dime (or proverbial dollar). Even though I was the one to care for both parents and see each of them die, (believe me if you have been a caregiver, it isn't rewarding work, but has to be done).

Even my brother was played. He never stepped foot into our father's house. He visited him ever 5 years for dad's 75th and 80th birthdays. Couln't even state the type of dog he had. Never understood the senior squaller, his depression, his being lead astray by others.

I have come to believe that as a Registered Nurse in the State of California (and two other professiional licenses), that the ethical standards are dramatically different with attorneys and nurses (night and day). Perhaps this is what is wrond with the integrity of the Court System. They don't look at the law. It means nothing. It is like ignoring a diagnosis as clear as ever. MY uncle-attorney stole my inheritance by bullying and threatening me, by telling my father lies (like I was going to put him in a nursing home) and stealing his computer and documents the day he died. (PLEASE NOTE IF MY FATHER EVER TRUSTED HIM, HE WOULD HAVE USED HIM AS AN ATTORNEY AND NOT RELY ON A PROGRAM FROM THE INTERNET). My uncle was scheming with my brother's wife to schemeing to get rid of me. There was alot of elder abuse (GOOD OLD UNCLE ATTORNEY NEVER EVEN FINISHED THE GRAVE STONE 3 YEARS LATER) Public record states that the ones who inherited a 5 million dollar inheritance was my brother's wife, the uncle who sat in court for a day and half and said to the Dear Judge Cowan that he wasn't geting anything (BIG LIAR)!

In 2009, my father asked me to help him get back in the hospital as he had checked himself out against medical advise. He needed heart valve replacement. I traveled from another state and waited 48 hours in the ED to get him back in, and also nursed him back to health in his home. Even though he lived in an expensive old home, there were canned good bulging, no running water (to shower), a leaky refrigerator, and my father 75 years old clueless about the dirt in his home that had been years without cleaning. I made my father homemade soups, and had someone repair his shower, and clean his home. My older brother lived up in Oregon/Washington State, and never stepped foot inside of my father's home. After my uncle found out that I would get 1/2 of the estate, he took his other brother (2 great big 250 pound men) and met me in a parking lot where they threatened to have me Fu***ed over, or killed. I was a single mother of 4 children at the time. When I spoke with my father, he told me my uncle would indeed kill me over that money, and I didn't quite understand. I was told by my bully not to come near my father's house or they would have me arrested.

I felt comfortable seeing my father in a public space like the care facility my uncle placed him in. IT HAD NO LICENSED STAFF, Just meals and a bed. I spoke with my father. It was the realtor who made him realize the lies his brother had told him. He was looking forward to seeing me. There was no mistake about being with him the day he died. But I guess I believed my GREEDY uncle when he gave me a hug, and stated that my brother and I were the lucky ones. I actually told this uncle/attorney where the documents were. He took documents, and his PC and deleted my name on an abstact. That is what he used in court.

Judge Cowan, I was deceived to believe in justice when the integrity of the law itself was never granted. ( I was the nurse who watched 3 innocent boys be sentenced to death and held in the prison for 18 years without a judge ever relooking at the case in the Memphis Three). For 3 years, I have not been the same person. I am a sincere and loving person who has been bullyied without relief from all these ugly and greeedy attorneys. I just hope somehow the healthcare system slips up in the same way you hurt my family for an eternity. I hope you have a nurse that steals your drugs and gets away with it. I hope the next time you have a procedure or surgery, that their are catastophic consequences which follow because a criminal attorney stepped in. My licenses have never been questioned, neither has my person integrity. Perhaps I will tell my story to others like Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelley, so that they understand that attorney is a dirty word, there was no adherence to the law, and as a judge you lacked discernment for the truth.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
  • Jan 20, 2020

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Would you please contact me at [email protected]. Cowan must be stopped. Thank you.

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