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Daniel Rumanos

Country United States
State Maryland
City Baltimore
Address 708 51St Street
Phone 443-814-0132

Daniel Rumanos Reviews

  • Jan 26, 2023

Daniel Rumanos, legally known as Daniel John Moran III, has a decades long history of stalking behavior, lying about his business, "Daniel Rumanos Sci-Fi" and his performing as a professional Magician, and has openly admitted to being a Peodphile. Anyone who speaks against him opens themselves up to internet attack where he will lie and say anything about them, and it usually the same cut-and-paste allegations over and over.

There is so much to unpack here, I don't know if I can fully put it all in one post, but I will try. First as to his actual identity, information provided by others:

He claims to be a doctor, rabbi, and media producer when he attempts to groom children. Sick. He also claims to be a magician, ghost hunter, and satanist. There is no evidence of Moran being any of these things.

What do we know? He is an incel, self-described pedophile, cyberbully, and troll. We know where he lives, and he can be seen around Federal Hill sometimes, where he has been banned from a few businesses. He does not seem to have a career, job, or skill set of any type.

There is no evidence of him ever doing anything but harass people online. Old forums we have uncovered, thanks to internet archives, say that his ex-wife, who married him when she was underage, claims he was impotent and constantly trying to groom other girls.

Here are just a few names we have uncovered that he goes by:

Birthname: Ronald Lee Mershon Jr (changed name to Daniel John Moran III in 2004)

Daniel Rumanos

Ron Mershon

Daniel Moran

Daniel Garguillio

Ron Mephisto

David Roman

Catrine McKenzie

D.R Gargoyle

M.R Ron Mershon


Mary Heise

John Garguillioo-Moran III

Tim Chizmar

Fox Warner

Greg Serio

James Newhouse

The following is writings done by others:

Everyone should be able to do research to find out if something is true or not. And when writing a REPORT, there should be hard evidence to prove aforementioned point. Just as in school, we should "site our sources." In the original report, as with every subsequent rebuttal from the author, they say a lot without actually proving anything. They made claims, like what is in the content of the shows of others, but do not link to any clips or provide anything to prove it. They make other claims about how other performers are under investigation without showing any proof of the fact. Well, I will be exposing some truths, and all my sources will be sited at the end of this report. All of the information can also be found about Rumanos with about 20 min. of time and access to Google. If you are going to read information, it is best to know about the source of that info.

First, Rumanos is a MAP (minor attracted person), which is polite verbiage to say pedophile. I have included a website which shows screenshots of now-deleted tweets where he is promoting that lifestyle. Additionally, on a pro-pedophile/MAP show, Daniel Rumanos posted not one, but TWO comments asking to be contacted to speak on their show. There are also screen shots included in case they try to go back and have the comments removed. He was interviewed by Bob Larson where he admits he would take advantage of girls as young as 12 (Bob stopped counting down after 12, so it is only a guess how much younger it could have gone). However, he'll claim this was a "performance art." He also went by a different name at the time of the interview, which is why searching strictly under "Daniel Rumanos" doesn't always yield the results. It is one thing for a performer to use a stage name. However, to use as many as Daniel Rumanos does? I could speculate that it is more to do with trying to hide the past rather than changing names for performance purposes.

By Rumanos's own admission in an interview with the Boston Sunn. Additionally, the Johns Hopkins News Letter (who had interviewed Mr. Rumanos) added an italicized note on the top of the article where they interviewed him which stated the following: "Editor’s Note: The News-Letter condemns Daniel Rumanos, who is interviewed in this piece. It has come to The News-Letter’s attention that Rumanos proclaims himself as a “self-identifying pedophile”. The News-Letter does not support nor condone his illicit actions or ideas."

Need any more proof? How about quoting Mr. Rumanos himself from his OWN writing on HIS blog, where he writes his "sci-fi" stories: "


“She looks like she’s about twelve,” muttered Officer Jon Chesterfield to himself as he watched the girl walk down the street on that foggy evening.

Chesterfield, an handsome, sandy-haired man in his early thirties, had parked his Baltimore Police Department squad car behind an old dumpster in order to watch the young girl. He had been keeping an eye on her for three evenings in a row, and had noticed how she always appeared at the same time, shortly before sunset, carrying a white paper bag, and then entered a vacant lot there in the city’s Remington neighbourhood.

The girl was very beautiful, with luxurious chestnut-coloured hair and enchanting violet eyes, her lips hot-pink. She was dressed in a short, purple dress that served to show off her slender pubescent legs. Officer Chesterfield vainly attempted to ignore the throbbing in his groin as he watched her."

Re-read that passage again... "she looks about 12... Officer Chesterfield vainly attempted to ignore the throbbing in his groin as he watched her." This doesn't sound like someone who condemns pedophilia, but rather embraces it. And yet, they try to use it to falsely accuse another, saying that they live a life "adverse to all decency" and attempt to ruin their reputation.

So, someone who DEFENDS pedophilia, writes borderline (and I use that term loosely, as it sickened me to even read that much) pornographic material about young girls, tweeted about defending pedophiles, claimed that his saying he cast's spells to get 12-year-olds to sleep with him are "performance art," and has been CONVICTED of a sex crime enough to be banned from a magic society.


Johns Hopkins News Letter:

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