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Brian P. Fitzpatrick, MD

Country United States
State Massachusetts
City Plymouth
Address 3 Market Crossing
Phone 1 508-210-5965

Brian P. Fitzpatrick, MD Reviews

  • Dec 19, 2023

HERE's my local review: "C old reviews 1st, you'll get it then. @ 61, I take care of my body, NO smoke, drugs of any kind, or alcohol/I eat right/exercise daily. 4 kids, self-employed, educated/learning daily about MAINTAINING HEALTH. Quite frankly, BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD mandates a "PCP" visit/other wise/NO vaccines/updates, NOTHING. Emergencies to the hospital. My PCP 4 DECADES might fill a script on occasions. My long time PCP retired. Had to get new one. The ONLY vacancy FITZPATRICK. NO Q's asked/took him. UPDATE: Accident/left unconscious. Had 2 follow up w/PCP. I can NOT put into words, except 2 say, NO DOCTOR I HAVE EVER MET COULD DO MORE TO BE COMPLETELY USELESS, EXCEPT FOR re-scheduling, collecting co-pays, DIRECTING REFERRALS/AVOIDING responsibility, & repeating. FIRED HIM. If U require medical advice, even if just intelligent conversation, direction & care/CARE- YOU'RE BETTER OFF YOUTUBING/LOOKING IN MIRROR. "GOD" help you if you have health issues that need figuring out/GUY IS A MENTALLY LAZY DOPE!"

SUMMARY: Due to an accident that left me with staples in my head and necessary follow-up with my PCP/Dr. Brian P Fitzpatrick, I had NO choice but to visit the aforementioned "DR."/ my "PCP", aka, PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN. This "BUFFOON", and his office staff were of ZERO assistance, knowledge, service and advice as o HOW TO PROVE MY HEALTH STATUS to the RMV. This forgot to rcommend referals, when they eventually did they provided wrong numbers... AND, when contact was made, I was told that HIS OFFICE could have ordered test themselves. The importance of my situation, the sense of urgency, was that my DRIVER'S LICENSE was suspended due to a head injury. All I had to do was have tests scheduled, performed, documented and evaluated... bring results to an RMV Hearing and remove suspension. For 8 weeks this Dr., and his staff, screwed up EVERYTHING, and, never took the time to advise or assist me in satisfying my situation. Rather, they EVADED and AVOIDED their mandated role of compliance as precribed by the RMV. I ended up SCHEDULING MY OWN TESTS, paying for my own tests, getting other physicans to evaluate tests because Dr. Fitzpatrick COULD NOT. If you've ever lost your license you realize he immediate threat to your livlihood and life in general. Add the prospect of a medical issue to that loss and you have NO IDEA the requirements, time and effort necessary to reinstate your license so you can work, see your family, go grocery shopping... etc. I had fifty-five tests done on me... each came back NEGATIVE or NORMAL. 55 TESTS showing NO prior medical condition/NO present medical condition that would keep me from driving. YET, this Dr. could not, would NOT review the tests, nor opine as to why the tests were valid and/or what else might be needed. This Dr. simply could NOT fathom what to do, based on what, why or how to proceed. He could however figure out how to reschedule more visit, referrals and collect co-pays. I FIRED HIM. IN WRITING-FIRED HIM. Within 6 days of firing him, I had multple other physicians examine my situation, and, all concluded I was FINE! One physician had an immediate opening, a thorough process of review regarding all my tests took place, physician signed off on the RMV form and days later I had my RMV licene back. PERIOD. Eight weeks I was jerked " " by Dr. Brian P Fitzparick while he tried to capitalize and profit on my condition, evaded and avoided his responsibility ... I took less than a week to get a real physician to assist me. The point is this: "it's obvious my condition was medically above his IQ paygrade to comprehend, and stalling was his evasion and avoidance at my expense. This Dr. even went as far a put in writing, an "ETIOLOGY" investigation that simply was NOT a "thing"... absolute NON-SENSE. And, if there was, this Dr. made NO mention of it, nor is there any mention of it in my charts/portal! Doctors are NOT above being BUMS like every other trade or service in this world... this "GOD" status is foolishness and intolerable. If you require HEALTH ADVICE, ASSISTANCE, FOLLOW-THROUGH... and caring... GO ELSEWHERE... BRIAN P FITZPATRICK "MD" is USELESS... does NOT care, and when called out, can't even communicate intelligently enough to situate one's self. I fixed my issue... most people/patients have NO clue as to maintaining health/seeking out and getting good advice... AND THAT IS OK. It' NOT ok for a physician to be USELESS and get paid from a provider and co-pays/commissions to jerk you around. ALL DOCUMENTS/TEST RESULTS are available for review by interested parties.

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