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Profit Pro Webinars

Country United States
State Florida
City Miami
Phone 301-430-1410

Profit Pro Webinars Reviews

  • Apr 5, 2018

You probably will run into their job posting if you're applying for jobs online. THIS IS NOT A LEGITIMATE JOB OFFER OR JOB POSTING. The job sites can't even provide a way for you to submit an application. The only way is to click through several webinars.

First video is of Coach Mark who states that after attending a webinar, he began making money hand over fist.

Problems with this:

He says "webinar" about 40 times in a 5 minute video, because he doesn't know what else to call his scheme.

He himself would be the one selling you his webinars in subsequent videos, so that uncovers the First Lie, as he is not a client/student. Later you'd find out he's one of the founders of the whole MLM. YES, THIS IS A MLM.

Coach Mark has follow-up videos with people professing to make loads of money. You can see the background of these videos that they are apartment dwellers, and I don't believe they make half of what I make!!!! So why are they trying to recruit me to sell for them?? Well, because they're a MLM.

Promising you'll be knee-deep in income through residual sales without being up front that you have to sell people who sell -- this is a MLM model. He does not pay you. You have to own your own business. This is an investment that should NOT BE ALLOWED in job sites!!!

BEWARE OF COMPANIES WITH MULTIPLE NAMES BECAUSE THEY CAN'T EVEN KEEP THINGS STRAIGHTFORWARD. Read the T&C and you'll see within 5 minutes of viewing and reading you will see they go by several company names.

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