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Presto News

Country Switzerland

Presto News Reviews

  • Aug 17, 2017 is a scam! Several of Harvard University's female students and alumnae have reported opening a link embedded within their professional page on Linkedin. This malicious link is part of a notorious defamation scam via and cited for criminal activity both within the United States and abroad. Recently, the culprit hacked Harvard University's Facebook page in an attempt to discredit the Harvard students targeted and all of Harvard University's Facebook followers. Consequently, is under investigation in the United States and abroad. If you have been a victim report the incident to local and federal authorities immediately.

See the report below for more details:

"The fake news site, has been cited for many defamatory posts primarily victimizing women, and for defaming multiple universities.

Listed within real Italian news publications, articles about the scam have been posting since May 2017. The articles identify the owner of as Giuseppe Macario and Antonio Russo. The articles cite for illegally ranking its content on a real Swiss news site

Italian News Sources

Giuseppe Macario Profiles

Giuseppe Macario claims to have graduated from Princeton and MIT. Princeton and MIT have no records of Giuseppe Macario. Giuseppe Macario claims that he works at University of the People in California. The university published that Giuseppe Macario was never employed. Giuseppe Macario participated as a computer science professor for one month in 2015.

Who is Antonio Russo?

Have any other victims come forward with cases of extortion?"

  • Jul 27, 2017

Giuseppe Macario owner of is NOT a Professor, NO degree.

Giuseppe Macario owner of is NOT a Professor, dont have any degree, is only a criminal idiot hacker.

Try much time to enter same a student in a Swiss university but never was a student, for this reason now is angry with the universities group.

  • Jul 26, 2017

Harvard University Students and Alumnae Targeted by Scam

The hacker/scammer behind and affiliated sites is targeting Harvard University and a significant number of its students and alumnae. Linkedin professional profiles are the common means for hacking and drawing victims into a phishing site. Recent evidence indicates Harvard’s Facebook page has also been hacked in an attempt to defame Harvard and its Facebook followers. defamation scams preys on women from prestigious universities in an apparent attempt discredit established higher learning institutions and their female students/alumnae. See

  • Jul 17, 2017

Fake news victimizing people and universities. Owner identified as "Giuseppe Macario aka Antonio Russo". Giuseppe Macario pretends to be a professor who attended Princeton and MIT. He promotes these fake credentials to stalk victims online. BEWARE OF , , , Giuseppe Macario , Antonio Russo.

  • Jun 13, 2017 is fake news site. It uses a free news widget to receive high SEO rankings so it can better defame individuals. Women are the primary target through the stagnant web pages associated with the site. If you are a victim of defamation by www. contact interpol . They are quick to respond and extremely helpful.

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