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Foxies Fund Art Smith Serial

Country United States
State Georgia
City Norcross
Address 5432 Stanford Village Lane
Phone 678-663-9150

Foxies Fund Art Smith Serial Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Dec 13, 2018

Art Smith is no doubt a clever serial scammer , coming up with many schemes to fraud and deceive others from running collect scams using names unauthorized to use I collection to promoting bogus raffle set ups , Art Smith's first face book was violated by face book and taken away from her for this action by face book , We have the proof of this as well in screen shots, She has many clients helping her in bogus collections of funding on dogs 60 to 80 others are also involved in this fraud taking place in the Foxies Fund face book group , Although the Norcross Georgia base 501c3 non- profit has helped some animals out while other posting are scams of collection, This is a give and take scam , They give some to keep looking good so the scam continues forward , We have proof be on a doubt of these scams and members being involved in this organized crime of fraud by both Art Smith and CEO owner of the Foxies Fund Inc.

Dominick Tambone we also have proof of members that got caught onto their game of fraud cover up attack others inside and outside the group by accomplices ,

Randy Boles also Randi Boles, Wise Karin, Karin Wise and KA Wise also Kelley Scott Sandusky also goes by the name Ella Mae as well as Foxies the dog owner the group was named after Casey Holt and Steve Ereth , Wise Karin herself uses the Major Bo dog page on face book for these childish out lash of attacks, No legitimate 510c3 would ever act in such conduct or manner even if they was blamed on being scams or frauds , Randy Boles first involved me naming me as the person the first reported Dominick Tambone first Go Fund Me that was found by Go Fund Me to be fraudulent, Why Art Smith has to run bogus bleeding heart scams has many of us puzzled , When most honest legitimate non - profit 501c3 only have to ask for funds to have a bank on hand collected when they need to help a pet , Our guess is she is so use to the game of fraud of others she can't stop what she's doing and be honest ,This here be one doubt makes her a serial scammer for the face book group Foxies Fund and Foxie Fund Inc from Norcross Georgia

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  • Jan 28, 2019

Michael Dodd: Obsession with Art Smith & Foxies Fund

Art Smith had to change her name. It was Bev Murphy, but after being serially harrassed by Michael Dodd, she had to change it to Art Smith and continue to help Foxies Fund. The charity.

Michael Dodd (the author of the above "complaint") tried to get Art Smith to troll groups for him. As soon as she was part of Foxies Fund, he private messaged her and warned her about Foxies Fund. Art said she would see for herself. But the harrassment escalated. Michael Dodd, bombarded her with posts and screenshots of utter rubbish that had nothing to do with Mr Dodds claims. It was insane to see. This was every day. Art said she did not want to be part of screenshotting anything. (She didnt know how to do that anyway)

After Art had deleted her old account, and made a new one (from Bev Murphy to Art Smith) Dodd quickly found her and started to not only harrass her but propose lewd things about her. Easily fixed.... block the psycho... and she did. So is this Cyber-stalking and is there such a thing??? Did facebook do anything about this sick stranger harrassing and sexually harrassing Art? NO of course they didnt. But strangely enough, he was able to get people suspended from facebook for a week or a few days. I dont know how he did it, but it happened. And no one was doing anything bad???

So it continues. 4 YEARS HAVE PASSED & Michael Dodd still continues to pound the pavement against Foxies Fund. Him and his wife and trolls were the ones who got Foxies Fund only income source (GofundMe & Youcaring) closed down by falsely claiming they were scaming people out of money. How evil to do this when a charity is first starting out. This act, of his, is the sole source of hate. He has continued to harrass, stalk, threaten and intimidate women all over the internet and has, over time, made things 1000000000000x worse. Someone so full of hate and malice should be behind bars. His obsession for Art Smith should be a concern for her but thank god she lives in Australia, not USA. I wonder if his wife (partner) knows about this obsession?? It's a bit slimey if you ask me, after all he has been arrested for solicitation. There is no boundaries for this man... so beware of him. It will be expected in any organization there will be people (members) that have histories. It doesnt mean the organization is bad, or influenced by their members past. The Admins are honest people that help dogs. Members dont have anything to do with the daily functions or running of Foxies Fund. People like Randy Boles, Brenda Fisher, Liz Harrison, Lillian Garrick, Cindy Pomlover, Joanne Mabey, Brenda Seneshen, Bobbi Cole, Karen Wise or any of the past admins actually have nothing to do with running Foxies Fund-period. What ever they are doing now is completely independent of Foxies Fund & Dom & Art really havent a clue. They are too busy with their jobs and family lives to worry about what everyone else is up to on the net.

Mark as Useful [9 votes]
  • Dec 26, 2019

Dead dogs don't grow.

Randy Boles, China McQuire real name Sarah McQuire and Sarah's step daughter Deanna Arnold are well known scammers to our Fraud Investigation Team that help Art Smith and Dominick Tambone pull off quick cash scams on bogus sick pet set ups in the Facebook Foxies Fund group. If China( Sarah ) McQuire and her Step Daughter is making $60.00 a hour in the self employed massage business CHinas Magic Massages, Maybe their pets should not be so sick all the time, like Deanna Arnold's with the bogus parvo case that was posted in the Foxies Fund Facebook group. Beside maybe some checking would not hurt to see if China( Sarah ) McQuire has a legitimate massage license from Gilmore Texas. And as we see another Foxies Fund client excon Randy Boles promotes, asking funds for and posted it on her personal wall. Art Smith deleted Deanna Arnold's post for the sick dog Buddy claiming it passed away and Deanna did not want to see it, but left the group shortly after the suppose death of Buddy ( bogus lie and scam that was )You don't have to be the brightness crayon in the box viewer to figure this one out, this is scamming at it's best with a little hooker to it and Randy Boles from Sullivan Ohio helping scam people. Evidence here in screen shots show what a liar & c scammer Randy Boles is changing records, you can tell her screen shots are altered & false, Dead dogs don't grow.

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  • Dec 26, 2019


Randy Boles has many alias names she even plays serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer to attack people, This shows the type of sick narcissistic sociopath person she is, even her twin sister Robin Raab fears her, Her mug shot says monitor for future crimes . Face book violations don't lie against this drunken crack smoking old wash up ho ho that spent time in the Ohio Pen (Prison), not even your her twin sister the famous artist Robin Raab loves Randy she hates her guts and fears for her safety from her as she said her whole life has been bent on falsely trying to destroy others and we are going to prove this, Plus prove where she attack animals in Facebook, She is no better than Brenda Fisher or her Child Molesting husband Roger Boles from Sullivan Ohio, WARNING RANDY BOLES FROM SULLIVAN OHIO MONITOR FOR FUTURE CRIMES

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